Been there, done that.
our body doesn't lie
Like you, I strived to be the quintessential modern-day Superwoman. However, major health issues in my 20's and early 30's gave me a reality check.
My health crisis wake-up call came when I could no longer function normally.
My body was giving out on me. I was frustrated, terrified, and confused. I had been doing everything "right"...yet I was incredibly sick. Going through a slew of doctors, procedures, tests, misdiagnoses, and terrifying trips to the ER, I refused to accept that I was "fine" (or that the only solution was pharmaceutical band-aids).
Instead I advocated for myself and became my own health detective.
I slowly uncovered many underlying factors compromising my overall physical, mental, and emotional well-being. My illness was not only from what I was eating, but what was eating me. In order to heal, I had to address all of the toxic factors and hidden stressors making me sick: food, lifestyle, relationships, and my mindset.
Since identifying the root causes of my issues, I embrace the concept of natural healing and embody the simple truth that food is medicine -- and that "food" goes beyond what we eat and includes all parts of life that nourish us. In the process of slowing down, simplifying, and getting back to basics by integrating steady food and lifestyle modifications, I have learned to cultivate a sense of vitality I never imagined.
I am the poster child for Hippocrates' words of wisdom that "all health begins in the gut".
While it doesn't end there, gut health is the fundamental starting point for creating the life you are meant (and deserve) to live.
"I feel younger, am healthier, and look better than I did twenty years ago!"
I no longer suffer from debilitating depression, anxiety, insomnia, joint pain, neurological problems, heart issues, and countless physical ailments that were holding me back and preventing me from being the best version of myself. My mental and physical health has been restored.
I believe that we all have the ability to slow down (or reverse) the aging process. I am living proof. I got my life back.
My mission is to share my not-so-secrets and help other women uncover their true self and discover what living truly means.
The wisdom and compassion I have cultivated through my journey has inspired me to share my story and empower others who are suffering to reclaim their health and happiness -- so they too can be the best version of themselves.
You can do it too, but you're not alone. Let me help you GLO to health.